• ◼ T.F. Schneider designed the Parlor Room after the interiors of chateaus in France. This is the only room in the home with light painted wood, traditionally found in this type of architecture. The large mirror above the fireplace is designed along the lines of French trumeau mirrors.
    ◼ The ceiling painting represents John W. Paine’s wife Julia Dickinson, and their three children, Estelle, John, and Ogle.

  • ◼ Brothers in the 1990s used this room for “Sumo” Wrestling.
    ◼ For the film “Age of Innocence” this room was shot as a bedroom and charcoal covered the marble and freshly restored moulding near the fireplace.

  • ◼ Ice blocking downspouts allowed water to enter the ceiling causing substantial damage. In the 1980s, Brothers and Advisors spent nights and weekends repairing and restoring the plaster and artwork. The brothers won a New York State Preservation Award of this ceiling and the stained glass windows. (See photo in Preservation section)
    ◼ The current wall coverings were installed during the filming of The Age of Innocence.

  • ◼ In keeping with French style, the room would have been highlighted by a large, almost wall-to-wall decorative area rug. This is being considered as a future renovation project.
    ◼ Refresh the wall coverings with period-correct fire retardant fabric.
    ◼ Clean, repaint, restore gilded woodwork.
    ◼ Restore the light fixtures with period-correct finishes and glass globes.
    ◼ Renovate the windows with energy efficient seals, counterweights and functional storm windows.